Back to: Phase 3: Getting the Work Done
Here is the list, called the:
Collaborative Contributions List:
Conceptual Contributions
- Contribute the key idea behind the work
- Have critical insight that breaks a conceptual logjam
- Create theoretical ideas or frameworks
- Contribute relevant literature
Methodological Contributions
- Bring expertise in a particular research approach
- Develop or share relevant software for modeling or analysis
- Bring statistical expertise
- Create visualizations that help create understanding during analysis
- Provide data curation
Resource Contributions
- Help obtain grant funding
- Contribute funds from an existing source
- Possess relevant specialized skills (either self or staff)
- Build or provide access to specialized equipment or facilities
- Provide critical materials (e.g., cell lines)
- Provide existing data sets
- Recruit research participants
- Especially if special populations are required
- Establishing relations to organizations that link to relevant populations
Project Level Contributions
- Provide overall project administration, leadership
- Especially important for geographically distributed projects
- Especially important for cross-disciplinary collaborations
- Be a liaison to a key community or organization
- Introduce or refer important people to team members
- Support team building, getting researchers to speak the same language, trust each other, mentor.
Disseminate the Research
- Take leadership in creating the papers
- Do significant work in editing papers for clarification and transparency
- Create and give presentations
- Translate the research to practitioners and the public
- Create useful visualizations of data or the models for others to understand
- Commercialize the technologies, acquire patents
- As our results come in, we will update this page, noting for which departments and schools or colleges each of the above activities is important enough to count towards promotion and tenure.
As our results come in, we will update this page, noting for which departments and schools or colleges each of the above activities is important enough to count towards promotion and tenure.